Monday, October 1, 2007


By Richard Rodriguez

I did not agree with the Article when I irst started to read it. I am very much an American in the sense that I believe America is an English speaking country. I have no problem with people speaking different languages in public, but I think when you're ordering something from a restaurant or talking to tech support about you computer problem, it should be in English. I understand Rodriguez personal issue with having to had learned English and have it become more natural for him. I do think people should learn another language to expand on there knowledge. I just think America speaks English. People knew that when they came over.

Rodriguez discusses his own issues with dealing with the transition of speaking mainly Spanish to speaking mainly English. He even remembers when he stopped calling it ingles and starting calling it English. He also talks about not knowing what to call his parents, whether he should still call them mama and papa or mom and dad like other children. It is obvious that he resisted the change very much, just as I am aware that I don't like the idea of a Bilingual America.

However, his learning English gave his parents more confidence in themselves. His mother had become more social, and his father spoke of English with less resentment and bitterness than he had previously. Also, in learning English, he was being taught Delpits Code of Power. To be sucessful in America, you must learn English. While he did resist, he was giving a more level playing field.

While learning English had both negative and posituve affects on him, in the long run, he even admits it was a good thing. He is more comfortable with speaking both languages and maintaining his identy as a Spanish speaking American and an English speaking American.