Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tracking: Why Schools Need to Take Another Route
By Jeannie Oakes

I personally understand what Oakes is trying to explain in this reading. I myself was tracked because of my IEP. I was never allowed to take Honors classes because no teacher would recomend me. That killed my chances of going to my college of choice. Also, being in the Special Education programs, I saw lots of kids talents and abilities get discouraged. The teachers and advisors never seem to get past our learning differences.

I do not think that we need to get rid of the classes and programs we have today. I would never have made it through High School with out IEP. I needed help reading, with language, not with understanding math or science. What really needs to be removed in the mentality that some kids will suceed more than others. Just because a student chooses to be a mechanic does not mean he is less sucessful than another who becomes a doctor.


Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Hey Lydia,

Looks like this bloging thing just didn't work so well for you. What happened? You are missing over half of the assignments. I know you said the technology was a challenge for you. But I wish you had gotten something us here. DId you stop reading, or just stop posting?

Hope you have a good break...

LB :)